My Walk on El Camino de Santiago: Be Present to Your Greatness
May 29, 2019There was so much beauty on the Camino. There were golden rays coming down from the heavens, waves crashing onto huge rocks, green fields, and peaceful blue skies. God created all of that resplendent nature, and perhaps for the first time, I felt how I was part of it. I am also part of nature. I felt so how big and how small I am all at once.
We all have times when we beat ourselves up or make assumptions about what other people think of us. We discriminate against ourselves, making judgments that we are not smart enough or we don’t have anything interesting to add to the world. It’s common, but it’s so wrong.
Being on the Camino among the majestic trees and beautiful animals, I felt how worthy I am just by being part of this tremendous world. There is a oneness and equality to it. We are all able to choose this outlook. We just have to appreciate our place and the gift we have been given to joyfully participate in life.
Be open to success and positive outcomes. Choose to see divine will and goodness in all things. Experience peace and harmony and believe that anything is possible. This gives you the power to transform your self-deprecating beliefs into self-respecting perceptions. Just by being part of the world, we are all worthy.