My Walk on El Camino de Santiago: Acknowledge Abundance All Around You
May 31, 2019Everything seemed abundant on the Camino: oxygen, lush leaves, time, and beauty. There were lovely animals freely roaming. I fell in love with the sweet, golden-brown cows who seemed so happy in their meadow.
It made me realize that this incredible planet we live on has everything and enough for everyone. This can refer to resources and things, but also to love, friendship, good will, or ease. Abundance is really the ability to see more in life. See the options, choices, and resources. That all begins with noticing more.
People stoke fear about immigrants being a drain on resources, but I don’t see that. This is seeing life through the fear-based filter of scarcity. This is choosing to believe that there is limited abundance in the world and we have to fight to get a piece of it. It is a decision grab “our share” and decide that it would be a struggle to get it.
Living from a place of lack assumes that we need certain things to be who we want to be. We need a surplus of money to be generous. We need beauty to be confident. We need fancy belongings to be proud of ourselves.
You can still be generous if you are not flush with money. You can choose pride regardless of what you own. Outside circumstances are not how we become who we want to be. We choose how we want to be and take actions that align with that to get the results we want.
There is truly no scarcity of anything in the world. Abundance is a mindset that you can adopt any time you want. When you operate in the world with this state of mind, you get more of what you want with much less effort because you are not focusing on what you lack.
Focus on what is abundant around you. What do you have that you may not acknowledge? What is working well for you?
There is no scarcity. Only a limited perspective.