Limited or Limitless?
Sep 23, 2022
“The soul becomes dyed by the color of its thoughts.”
— Marcus Aurelius
Often the one thing that prevents you from getting what you want is your mind.
If you believe there is only one way to do things, you are limiting yourself. If you look at everything in terms of loss and failure, you limit yourself. And we all do these things day after day, without even realizing it.
All of us are born with infinite potential.
Some believe that potential diminishes as we age. I disagree. As we grow up, our potential remains limitless, but we start to believe we are restricted. Limitations have been imposed on us — by friends, family, the education system, society, ourselves.
The environment I grew up in trained me to have low expectations for my future.
Your mind is powerful and without boundaries. So don’t restrict it with thoughts that limit possibility! Create the idea of what’s “possible” for yourself instead of living by other people’s limitations.
When I finally began to see possibilities for myself, the whole world opened up.
At Ortega Counseling Center, working with injured workers gives us the opportunity to teach people to let go of their limiting thoughts and beliefs, and allow themselves to dream. We understand that they are encountering fear and uncertainty. In addition to their injury and the pain associated with it, they are faced with question after question. Will they be physically able to return to work? Will they have to start all over again? How will they make their living now? The last thing they need during this turbulent time is limiting beliefs taking even more possibilities away from them.
We guide our clients to look beyond these limitations to options they were unable to see before…a better future. We have our own unique process of engaging our clients to see possibilities and find the path that is right for them.
Step 1: First, we encourage them to move forward and get out of their “sob story.” Many clients call us with all of the things that are working against them: injuries, lack of education, no experience. We help them change their focus to what they can do.
Step 2: Next, we work on a vision for the client’s future. What does their life look like after they have trained for a new career and are working at a job they love? The images they hold in their mind are showing them their future.
Step 3: The last step is making a plan. We create an actionable roadmap that has steps for the client to take, one by one. It’s time to JUST DO IT. We follow up and check in to keep them motivated and on track.
This process has been very successful and rewarding, but none of it works without the first step. Limiting beliefs will dash any progress. Reality conforms to our mental expectations. Let go of the idea that you “can’t” do something. You can quite literally do anything that you can imagine. It’s nature’s law.
Your mind is your worst enemy, or your best ally. It’s up to you.